
Shelley Falconer
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artgalleryofhamilton.com @TheAGH Art Gallery of Hamilton @at_theagh SHELLEY FALCONER is President and CEO of the Art Gallery of Hamilton and a member of the Culture Strategy Advisory Group struck by…

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Josh Basseches
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rom.on.ca @ROMtoronto Royal Ontario Museum @romtoronto JOSH BASSECHES became the Director and CEO of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in March 2016. Basseches is a distinguished leader with more than…

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Mary Reid
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museum.mcmaster.ca @macmuseum McMaster Museum of Art @macmuseum @McMasterMuseum

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Jean-François Bélisle
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BIO gallery.ca @NatGalleryCan National Gallery @NatGalleryCan

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Niamh O’Laoghaire
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markham.ca/wps/portal/home/arts/varley-art-gallery @VarleyGallery Varley Art Gallery @varleygallery NIAMH O’LAOGHAIRE [nee-iv olera] has over twenty years experience in the Canadian heritage sector. With a Ph.D. in Fine Art she was a faculty…

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Jenifer Papararo
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agyu.art @A_G_Y_U Art Gallery of York University @a_g_y_u JENIFER PAPARARO is the recently appointed Director / Curator at the Art Gallery of York University, beginning her tenure in 2020. She…

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Barbara Fischer

artmuseum.utoronto.ca @artmuseumuoft Art Museum at the University of Toronto @artmuseumuoft BARBARA FISCHER is the Executive Director & Chief Curator of the Art Gallery, University of Toronto, as well as Director of…

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Shirley Madill
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kwag.ca @kwartgallery Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery @kwartgallery SHIRLEY MADILL is a graduate from the University of Manitoba whose post-graduate studies focused on International and Cultural History as well as Art History.…

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Jennifer Matotek
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BIO agw.ca @AGW401 Art Gallery of Windsor @agw401

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Stephan Jost
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ago.net @agotoronto AGO – Art Gallery of Ontario @agotoronto STEPHAN JOST is the Michael and Sonja Koerner Director, and CEO of the Art Gallery of Ontario. Appointed in 2016, Mr.…

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