
Gabrielle Peacock
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gardinermuseum.on.ca @gardinermuseum The Gardiner Museum @gardinermuseum

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Emma Sankey
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agb.life @ArtGallBurl Art Gallery of Burlington @artgallburl

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Julie Bevan
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BIO museumlondon.ca @museumlondon Museum London @museumlondon

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Sarah Milroy
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BIO mcmichael.com @mcacgallery McMichael Gallery @mcmichaelgallery

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Kathleen Bartels
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moca.ca Museum of Contemporary Art @mocatoronto

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Alix Voz
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ideaexchange.org/cambridge-art-galleries.ca @CbridgeArtGall Cambridge Art Galleries @cbridgeag

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Caroline Dromaguet
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BIO museedelhistoire.ca @MusCanHistoire Musée canadien de l’histoire @muscanhistoire museedelaguerre.ca @MusCanGuerre Musée canadien de la guerre @muscanguerre

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Aidan Ware
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owensound.ca/en/tomthomson @TheTomThomson Tom Thomson Art Gallery @tomthomsonartgallery

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Christine Shaw
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blackwoodgallery.ca @the_Blackwood Blackwood Gallery @blackwoodgallery_utm

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Paul Roth
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theimagecentre.ca The Image Centre @imagecentreto

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